CAS Chapters
The Colorado Archaeological Society includes 9 local chapters around the state that offer field trips, educational opportunities, volunteer opportunities, and monthly lectures on a variety of archaeological topics.
To join CAS at the chapter level, select one of the chapters on either the map or chapter listing below and follow that chapter's join instructions.
Chapter locations

Chipeta (Montrose). The Chipeta Chapter is our oldest continuously active chapter. It was established in Montrose, CO in 1935. Our objectives are to foster interest in archaeology, to protect archaeological antiquities, and to discourage the exploitation of archaeological resources.
Colorado Rock Art (Statewide). The Colorado Rock Art Association (CRAA) was founded in 2003.
The purpose of CRAA encourages integrated scientific study of rock art, advocates for its protection and conservation, provides educational opportunities and promotes professional, avocational, and public awareness of the importance of rock art.
Denver. Founded in 1947, the Denver Chapter has regular meetings which feature expert archaeological talks, prehistoric and historic archaeological excavations, archaeological surveys, and archaeological lab curation work. The Chapter also participates in educational events and field trips related to archaeology.
Grand Junction. The objectives of the Grand Junction chapter are to learn more about archaeology in general, to raise public awareness of the area’s significant archaeological and historical resources, and to draw attention to the hazards of vandalism to these unique cultural sites.
Hisatsinom (Cortez). Located in the southwest corner of Colorado, the Hisatsinom Chapter focuses on furthering the education and experiences of its members, and provides multiple opportunities for members to participate in field trips and volunteer opportunities in field work, curation, and site stewardship.
Indian Peaks (Boulder). The Indian Peaks Chapter has been promoting and participating in Colorado Archaeology for over 25 years. The chapter began archaeological programming in January 1983 and has continued to organize a series of lectures, host field trips, provide volunteer opportunities, and publish a monthly newsletter.
Northern Colorado (Fort Collins). Based in Fort Collins, Colorado, the Northern Colorado Chapter (NCC) has been promoting and participating in Colorado Archaeology for over 25 years. Members of the NCC-CAS meet once a month for lectures, activities, and various educational opportunities.
Pikes Peak (Colorado Springs). Chartered in 1983, the Pikes Peak Chapter recently celebrated its 35th anniversary! We welcome anyone who is interested in archaeology, anthropology, and history. We are a volunteer-led organization offering a wide variety of activities and benefits for our members, including monthly meetings, field trips, and educational opportunities.
Pueblo Archaeological & Historical Society. The Pueblo Chapter offers volunteer opportunities, field trips, educational opportunities, and monthly lectures on a variety of archaeological topics.