Chapter Achievement Award
The Chapter Achievement Award, first given in 1996,
is sometimes known as the “Mini-Trowel” Award.
It is given to persons who have made notable contributions
at the state or chapter level of the Colorado
Archaeological Society. It may be given for an
important contribution or for extended service to the
organization. CAS Chapter Presidents normally nominate
their chapter members for the Achievement Award on
behalf of their local chapter. Typically, no more than one
to two chapter members are recognized in any given
year. CAS members are eligible for multiple Chapter
Achievement Awards, although the awards committee
suggests a 5-year period between re-submitting
nominations for an additional Achievement award.
Nomination due date: September 1st each year.
The nomination should include: the nomination form
and a nomination narrative (one paragraph) that
details the contributions of the nominee.

Peeled Tree, Archuleta County, CO
For questions, contact Award Committee Chair, Jack Warner, at